Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 29, 2009

36 Weeks!

Visited my gynae today again. Since I am in the final stage, visits to the gynae has increased from once every 2 weeks and today Dr Kee announced that I have to visit him once every week. Oh dear...

Dr Kee checked the baby's heartbeat and found it to be normal. The EGC scan also showed that the baby kept moving during the entire monitoring procedure. She is so active. During the scan the nurse also commented that my tummy still look very nice as there were no stretch marks. I am lucky that till now there were no stretch marks but is this going to last?

Bb's head has already turned but has yet to engage into position for labour. Dr Kee also mentioned the possible symptoms that indicate that I would be in labour and to call him if I were to experience any of the following:

1) Contractions (harding of the tummy) in 15 to 20 mins interval
2) Presence of mucous bleeding
3) Breakage of the water bag.

When Bb's weight was measure, she weights a weight of 2.48kg now 200grams more from just two weeks ago. I have also gained a total of 10kg from the start of the pregnancy. Oh dear...Oh dear.. hahaha so much weight gained!

Hmmm... when should I go on leave??

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

35 going onto 36 weeks

Aaaahhhh already 35 weeks! Now I really feel pregnant. I am walking slower then my usual speed. Most people know that I normally walk very fast, this is echo by most of my customers who keep telling me to reduce my speed when they see me walking around in their labs. But now I am sure I am walking slower then the normal speed. My husband told me to go home and wait for him while he goes to my in laws place. When I asked him for the reason, he said he can go and come home faster if I am not following him. -_-

My feet is also bloated. I was examining my feet and I could not see the veins in my feet. I also can see the marks left by my shoes which will disappear after awhile. All the signs that my feet has water retention.

My face! This is the worst. It has lots of pimples now... My nose is also red and bigger. Everyone tells me that.. I am so sad. Hope that all these will go away after bb is out. Crossing fingers and toes.

Sleeping is also a problem for me now... I feel tired so easily but I will wake up numerous times in the middle of the night to go to the toliet. I also have problems turning in my sleep. I have to shift and shift a little before I could turn over to sleep on the other side.

Bb is also moving and kicking a lot now. I can feel her kicks and movement almost all the time. Maybe because the space inside is so small so I can feel everything she is doing. Sometimes she even kick my ribs. I will go for another review this coming weekend and I hope bb gains sufficient weight for birth. Two weeks ago, bb was 2.2Kg. Wonder what is her weight this week.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Here is one of the photo which I had taken by my friend who is interested in phototaking. Hence he got us to be his first "customer". We had lots of fun taking the photos maybe as we are all friends and we were like talking and saying things about each other to make the rest laugh. It was a really pleasant experiance.


However in this photo I don't seem to look too happy in it. Hahah Maybe becaused I was already very tired as I get tired easily recently. More photos will come and I will post it once I get them. So be patient! Hahaha.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bb having Hiccups?

I always wanted to take a video of bb moving but whenever I manage to get the camera and position it, she stops moving. She is just simply not cooperating. The only video which I managed to take is her having hiccups as the movement is continous and has a momentum. Hopefully I will be able to get a shot of her movements before she is out.