Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 20, 2009

3rd Month

Janelle has reached her 3rd month mark. Now each morning when she wakes up, she will smile at me when I pick her up from her cot. Then she will start chattering as if she is telling me what she had dreamt last night. Sometimes after she poo and I question her about it, she will smile at me sheepishly as if though she know that she has done something wrong.

She also got cheekier and naughtier with each increasing day. Now she wants to be picked up whenever she cries. She simply will cry louder and louder when she realised that we are beside her but not picking her up. She also seems to know when I am angry and tries to wriggle her way out by smiling at me. Isn't she cheeky.

I also have hit a milestone in breastfeeding as I have been breast feeding her fully for 3 months. This is certainly not an easy task since I have to eat right and wake up in the middle of the night to express out the milk since she has been sleeping through the nights. Recently she seems to be on a growth spur and start waking up in the middle of the night for her feeds again. I hope that I will be able to sustain the current amount of breast milk for her till at least I am back at work.

We also have brought her to my in laws' place to allow her to transition to stay at their place. The first time I brought her there as I had go back to office for a few hours. She cried so loudly that day as if she knew that I am going to leave her there. Maybe it was time for her nap and she found herself to be in an unfamiliar house. The following visit, I ensured that she was sleeping first before I bring her there. This time round she is not as cranky as before and was more willing to be carried by my in laws. Oh how I missed her when I placed her there and left. My mind was constantly thinking what she was doing over there. I felt so gulity when I leave the place and just could not help thinking what is she doing and whether she is crying for me.

She got all the attention she wanted over at my in laws. They carried her and played with her constantly. When she is home, she demanded the same amount of attention and when its not given to her, she just simply screamed. Hiaz...

However she is also settled into a routine that I am comfortable with. Unlike the initial two months where her sleep and wake time were all so uncertain. There are times she will only sleep for an hour in the entire day and there are times when she will sleep almost the entire day. Now she will take two major naps in the day and shorter naps in between. This gives me more breathing space and rest time.

No matter how tough it might be taking care of her, I am enjoying the process tremedously and is dreading the day when I have to go back to work. Can I stay home and take care of her???

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Janelle Goes Swimming

Janelle always loves to kick whenever we bath her. Sometimes she kicks so hard that she hits her head against the bath tub. So when I got a voucher from a friend to bring Janelle go swimming, we brought her there today.

She was a darling when the lady over at the shop did warm up exercises with her to help her loosen her muscles. As she always hates people touching her head, when the lady placed the float on her, she screamed. The crying stopped immediately when she was placed in tub. She enjoyed herself tremedously in the pool. She started kicking and looking around when she is in there. She also rewarded everyone who played or looked at her with smiles.




She enjoyed herself so much that she cried when she was removed from the tub. We have signed up for her to go for another 10 sessions. After the swim she was so tired that she slept for 5 hours straight.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Janelle Fist Eating Movie

Janelle seems to be putting everything in her mouth nowdays. She starts with part of her fist and trying to lick the entire fist.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Janelle Talking?

Janelle has reached a stage where she will response to us when we talk to her. Finally we managed to capture a video of her cooing while I talk to her in the morning. Usually after she wakes up in the morning and starts to cry, I will pick her up and chat with her. It was a little difficult to capture this video as she will always keep quiet when the camera is rolling and start to coo again when we stop the camera.

Janelle has hit her 2 months mark and I also had successfully breast feed her for an entire two months. Hopefully I will have the willpower and strength to carry on as long as I can. Its not an easy task breast feeding a baby. If you are low on supply you worry that you do not have enough for your baby. If you have sufficient, you have to be careful and diligent to prevent the onset of mastitis due to engorgement. I also have to wake up in the middle of the night to express out the milk. That reduces the amount of continuous sleep that I can get. I am a big panda now.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I was sick

Janelle has started to sleep longer at night. There are times she will only wake up once for her feed instead of twice a night. On Tuesday, I brought her out for a gathering. She fell asleep while on our way there but woke up to the noise and sounds at Swensens. As there were other babies around, Janelle kept staring and looking at the others around her. She only took a nap when we were on our way home and totally knocked out after I fed and bath her for the day.

She was so tired that she did not wake up for her feed that night. I kept waking up at the timings which she usually feeds but she did not wake up. I delayed pumping the milk as I was afraid that she will wake up and has nothing to feed on. I only started to pump at 5.30 am after 7 hours since the last feed. I did not pump all the milk and wanted to feed her when she is awake. However she did not manage to clear all the milk. As the day drags on, the accumulation of the milk in my breast increased and I could not clear it by pumping. The milk ducts was blocked. It was then I started to develop a temperature. I suspected that I was having a fever and asked hubby to come home as soon as he could. While waiting for him to be home, it was a torturous wait as I still had to take care of Janelle.

When hubby reached home, I took my temperature and found that I had a fever of 38.8 degrees. I went to the doctor and was advise to consider stop breastfeeding. As I am breastfeeding, the Doc could not give me stronger medication to curb the high fever. By giving me weaker medication, it could mean that it will take a longer time for me to recover. If I could not clear the block ducts I may have to undergo surgery to release the milk. Hence I was asked to return for a follow up consultation on Saturday.

Luckily I could clear the blocked ducts after using cold compress and taking a warm bath. The fever has subsided and I felt much better already. This was really a terrible experience for me. I will not be lazy again and will wake up min 4 hourly to pump out the milk.

Sunday, November 22, 2009



A happy Janelle



A very unhappy Janelle who is able to cry.


The pacificer is taped to her to prevent her from waking up and to sleep longer by my Dearest Husband.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

First Family Photo


This was the one and only photo which look like a proper family photo. The rest of the photos are either she is looking else where or she is crying. Will try to take better ones.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One month

We have crossed the 1 month mark and the confinement lady (CL) is gone!! YES! Hahaha. Don't get me wrong. The CL is a great help to me during this period of time. When we got home from the hospital she went direct into cooking, sterilising and getting things ready for baby and me without hesitation. Both hubby and me were all tired when we got home from the hospital and were grateful for her help. She even asked me to express out the milk and told me to sleep while she feeds Janelle in her night feeds. Maybe I just cannot accept things that are not being done in a certain way. Conclusion! I can never hire a maid.

Days without the nanny is a little tough. I have to clean the house, cook and care for the baby on my own. Its a little more work then before but I am enjoying it. She can get really cranky at times when she does not want to sleep and wants to be carried all the time. Frustrating! But, when she just smiles or make a funny face at you when you talk or scold her, you will forget everything that you were angry about. Is that motherhood?

Sticking out her tongue

Her crossed eye look.

When she crosses the one month mark, we decided to shave her head botak. It was either we shave her during her first month or fourth month. During her fourth month is going to be CNY. We did not want her to be botak then so it was now.

One last photo before we bring her to the barber.


She looks like a little boy boy now. When I bring her out, people will always ask me, is it a boy or a girl. Hahhaa. Will update more with more photos soon!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Breast Feeding

When I was pregnant, everyone was telling me that I should breastfeed after Janelle is born. This was encouraged by my gynae and friends alike. One month before bb was born, I was already leaking on one side. I felt confident that I will be able to breastfeed my child when she is born and I have sufficient milk to fulfill her needs.

I did not try breastfeeding the moment Janelle was born as I felt nausea and was puking. Only when I was transferred to the normal ward, I tried to breastfeed her. However, Janelle was too sleepy and young to suckle the colostrum. We got the lactation consultant to assist the next day and was informed that baby does not know how to suckle yet and has to be taught. I was asked to express out the colostrum into a small cup.

The Lactation Consultant, Jenny, fed bb by wetting the bb's lips and tongue with colostrum. Bb starts to lick and swallow the food. It was then Janelle learnt how to suckle when she was lached on. Jenny then taught me the various methods to feed Janelle.

At home, I fed baby by latching on however Janelle was crying after every one and the half hours. The Confinement Lady (CL) insisted that I do not have sufficient milk for the baby and insisted feeding formula milk. We allowed her to do that while I expressed out the milk. When I was able to express out sufficient milk, the CL just kept quiet. However she insisted that I have sufficient rest at night and told me to express out the milk for her to feed at night. I got up early in the morning to express out the milk which I had. I did not require any alarm clocks or anyone to wake me up. The pain from the engorgement of the breast was sufficient to wake me up at 3am in the morning.

I had sufficient milk since day one but recently I realised that I could not express out as much milk as I am able to. It could be due that I had reduced the frequency of feeding as I had arranged for the massaging session. Upon reading up more on the Internet, I found that the amount which I was able to pump out initially was excess milk in the early weeks but this will change and the amount of milk will be regulated either gradually or suddenly. The amount that I am able to pump out and the amount which the baby will get when she is latched on is also different. When baby is latched on, she will be able to get more compared to when I pump the milk out. For more information, here is the website which I got the information from.

Now I can can just diligently pump out the milk and try to latch her on in the day as much as I can. Hopefully the supply does not decrease further.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Days with Baby

Life has never been the same with Bb Janelle around. After the initial check up at the PD, we were told that Janelle's jaundice level was a little too high. We were asked to go back for another blood test on Saturday. Test showed that her levels were down to 11 and we were asked to continue the phototherapy. However we did not even use that stupid bed. We just continued to sun her in the morning when its not so warm and feed her accordingly to pass out the excess bilrubin in her body.

The following blood test on Monday showed that her levels were down and we just need to monitor her skin colour ourselves. We heave a sign of relive upon hearing that.

Nowadays my life is just revolving around feeding her and ensuring that she will sleep. There are times in the day whereby she will just don't want to sleep. Her eyes will be opened wide open. I have tried to leave her in her bed after the confinement lady bath her. She will keep quiet a while but will cry after a while when nobody is attending to her. I tried not to pick her up when she just wimpering but her wimper will escalate into screams. She will scream her lungs out till there is no sound coming out from her. Upon seeing how hard she cries, I just simply ignore the fact that we wanted her to try to sleep on her own and pick her up. We will try to cox her to sleep by singing to her. When she is asleep in our arms and placed her in her cot, she will only sleep for about 15 to 30 mins before she starts wailing again. We tried to feed her more as she seems she is hungry as she is opening her mouth wide and looking for food but after feeding her she still refuses to sleep. I have also tried talking to her as she seems to listen and understand when we talk to her. But she still continue to wail. I just don't know what she wants.

This may carry on for the entire day. However she will sleep at night as she has exhausted her energy in the day and sometimes will refuse to wake up for her feed before the night is over.
But she is so fastinating to observe when she is sleeping. She has so many positions and poses.

I am a super baby position
I am so shy position.

Most of the times she is wrapped up in a cloth to allow her feel more secure (like in the womb) but will we unwrap her at times to allow her to get use to the enviroment.

Friday, October 2, 2009


We brought Janelle to the hospital for her jaundice check up yesterday. The blood test showed that she is has high levels of jaundice and has to undergo phototherapy to prevent the jaundice from increasing to the dangerous levels. Dr Tan (her PD) suggested to us to conduct the phototherapy at home by renting the bed.

We went home feeling a little sad and worried about her jaundice levels. When the bed arrived, we tried placing her in the bed but she was unwilling to allow us to do it. She cried, she screamed almost tore the entire house down. We gave up placing her in the bed when we saw how uncomfortable she was when we placed her in there. Our hearts broke when she cried so hard till she was hoarse.

I searched online and found that jaundice is normal in newborns. The baby's liver was unable to remove the bilirubin in the blood as the liver has yet to start functioning as quickly as it should. High levels of bilirubin in the blood may cause damages to the brain. She has a higher risk as I had jaundice when I was young. Dad had to bring me to the playground to catch some sun. We hope that the level of jaundice does not increase further in the next few days. We will have to bring her for another blood test tomorrow again. Praying for the best.

On a lighter note, Janelle seems to have double eyelids!

Welcoming Ms Janelle Tan

Our family has become a threesome with the arrival of little Ms Janelle Tan on 27 Sept 09, weighing 2.81Kg. The day started at 2am when I experience a slight leakage of water. I wasn't sure whether I was leaking water so I monitored for a while but there was no leakage anymore. So I went back to bed.

At 4am, I felt a few more gushes of water and I was wide awake almost immediately. In the toilet, the water just gushes out periodically. I tried to put on my clothes but the water was leaking continuously. I gave up and sat on the toilet and waited till the water stopped leaking. I woke Dear up and he asked so we should go to the hospital? I told him yes and he jumped up and started to pack the remaining items that we have yet to put into the bag.

I called the doctor and was told to go to the hospital. We dressed and took a cab down to Mt A. During the trip in the taxi, I was so worried that I will be leaking in the cab and dirty the cab. Luckily the leakage stopped when we left the house till I reach the hospital. I was admitted into the delivery ward where the water leakage continued! Contractions started only then and it was still bearable till 8 am where I asked for the laughing gas. At 10 am, the intensity of the contractions increased tremendously. A jab to the thigh was given and instantly I felt relieve. At 11am, the doctor said that the baby should arrive soon and thus I hung on without epidural.

At 2pm, the doctor commented that the cervix was only 6 cm dilated and it may take a while longer. I could not tolerate anymore! I opted for epidural. With the epidural, I felt like a piece of meat on sale in the market. I could not feel anything waist down. The dosage of epidural was decreased from 18 to 3mg/ml as I was trembling a lot that my blood pressure could not be recorded. Even at the lowest amount of 3mg/ml, I was still trembling. at 5 pm, I was asked to pushed! After a few pushes, bb was out!!!

After she was cleaned up in the delivery ward.

Introducing Ms Janelle Tan

Saturday, September 19, 2009

6 Days

That is the no. of days left before the EDD date that my doc has given me. I have not gained any weight since last week and bb's weight was also almost stagnant. Bb has not moved into my pelvis hence she isn't engaged yet.

Initially I was worried that bb will come early now I wondered when she is ready to meet the world and as a friend mentioned, breath in the air in Singapore. Most of our friends had given birth 10 to 14 days earlier then the EDD. Only one of my friend gave birth 5 days after her EDD date. Even the confinement lady called me and asked me if I had given birth. She was worried that I forgotten about her.

I have started taking my leave to stay home instead of going to work as I have to clear my leave which were brought over from the previous year. Friends and colleagues have been nagging at me telling me to rest at home. I was just simply afraid that I will be bored since I am so used to the hectic working life. Its a good thing that its the long weekend so hubby is at home with me on Monday.

Bb, when will you like to meet the world?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Not yet

Yes, I am still around at home and going to work tomorrow. The gynae just confirmed that bb is fine and that she has grown amazingly in just one week. From 2.6kg to 2.9kg (almost 3kg)! Previously she just grow 200g every 3 weeks but this time, 300grams in just 1 week???!!! Now I am afraid that she might be a little big for natural birth, but the gynae said it should not be a problem and that I should give it a try.

I had stopped driving for a while and has been taking cabs around quite a bit. Most of the taxi drivers are quite nice when they see that I am pregnant. Some even give me advises as they are fathers or grandfathers themselves already. However the taxi driver I met yesterday was the most scary one.

He changes lane without checking if there is any vehicle in the other lane. He does not even know where is Far East Plaza, so I gave him directions on how to get there. Even so, he almost wanted to take the Thomson Road Exit on the CTE when I already informed him that its Cairnhill Exit. When he turned into Far East Plaza, he striked the curb. I got off the cab after we paid him. I was afraid for my own life.. I kept thinking what if we get into an accident?? I might not feel so frightened if I am not pregnant.

The worst thing is that I think I dropped my phone on his taxi! I called the cab company but nothing....The worst thing about loosing the phone is the contact list. So friends, do sms me your mobile no with your name so that I can rebuild my contact list.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


When we were young most of our parents used a bean bag to prevent us to getting a scare if there is a sudden loud sound or movement. I checked online and found that there were a few stores selling such things. I told hubby about it and he suggested trying to make it on our own. I was a little septical initially as I was not sure whether we were able to get the bean sprout husk from the market vendors.

Since there was no harm trying, hubby tried to ask the veggy vendor on a Sunday and they gave us entire plastic bag! We started picking the husk and separating it from the rest of the mess. I Google for the weight of the bean bags are on sale in the market and got the mass required. Although the weight required was just 220grams but it was a lot! The husk were very light thus we under estimated the quantity required. It took us more than a day to get the weight required.

Dear hard at work separating the husks from the rest of the mess. Look at the huge plastic bag beside Dear. That was just part of what the veggie vendor gave us.

The husk which we had separated from the rest of the veggies
A bag was then sew to contain the husks. I took the spare cloth which my mum has at home and make a small bag. Then we placed the husk into the bag and finally sew it up and we are done!
The bag that I had sew.
The finished product.

My colleagues asked me why we go through all these troubles to make the beanbag. Well it was kinda fun and I wanted to do something for my bb. I have always felt that I have not done any thing for her yet. Some mums have been reading or talking to their babies while they are still in their tummies but all I did was to work. I hope that she doesn't hate chemistry when she is in this world as I am preaching chemistry everyday as part of my job.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

36 Weeks!

Visited my gynae today again. Since I am in the final stage, visits to the gynae has increased from once every 2 weeks and today Dr Kee announced that I have to visit him once every week. Oh dear...

Dr Kee checked the baby's heartbeat and found it to be normal. The EGC scan also showed that the baby kept moving during the entire monitoring procedure. She is so active. During the scan the nurse also commented that my tummy still look very nice as there were no stretch marks. I am lucky that till now there were no stretch marks but is this going to last?

Bb's head has already turned but has yet to engage into position for labour. Dr Kee also mentioned the possible symptoms that indicate that I would be in labour and to call him if I were to experience any of the following:

1) Contractions (harding of the tummy) in 15 to 20 mins interval
2) Presence of mucous bleeding
3) Breakage of the water bag.

When Bb's weight was measure, she weights a weight of 2.48kg now 200grams more from just two weeks ago. I have also gained a total of 10kg from the start of the pregnancy. Oh dear...Oh dear.. hahaha so much weight gained!

Hmmm... when should I go on leave??

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

35 going onto 36 weeks

Aaaahhhh already 35 weeks! Now I really feel pregnant. I am walking slower then my usual speed. Most people know that I normally walk very fast, this is echo by most of my customers who keep telling me to reduce my speed when they see me walking around in their labs. But now I am sure I am walking slower then the normal speed. My husband told me to go home and wait for him while he goes to my in laws place. When I asked him for the reason, he said he can go and come home faster if I am not following him. -_-

My feet is also bloated. I was examining my feet and I could not see the veins in my feet. I also can see the marks left by my shoes which will disappear after awhile. All the signs that my feet has water retention.

My face! This is the worst. It has lots of pimples now... My nose is also red and bigger. Everyone tells me that.. I am so sad. Hope that all these will go away after bb is out. Crossing fingers and toes.

Sleeping is also a problem for me now... I feel tired so easily but I will wake up numerous times in the middle of the night to go to the toliet. I also have problems turning in my sleep. I have to shift and shift a little before I could turn over to sleep on the other side.

Bb is also moving and kicking a lot now. I can feel her kicks and movement almost all the time. Maybe because the space inside is so small so I can feel everything she is doing. Sometimes she even kick my ribs. I will go for another review this coming weekend and I hope bb gains sufficient weight for birth. Two weeks ago, bb was 2.2Kg. Wonder what is her weight this week.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Here is one of the photo which I had taken by my friend who is interested in phototaking. Hence he got us to be his first "customer". We had lots of fun taking the photos maybe as we are all friends and we were like talking and saying things about each other to make the rest laugh. It was a really pleasant experiance.


However in this photo I don't seem to look too happy in it. Hahah Maybe becaused I was already very tired as I get tired easily recently. More photos will come and I will post it once I get them. So be patient! Hahaha.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bb having Hiccups?

I always wanted to take a video of bb moving but whenever I manage to get the camera and position it, she stops moving. She is just simply not cooperating. The only video which I managed to take is her having hiccups as the movement is continous and has a momentum. Hopefully I will be able to get a shot of her movements before she is out.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

30 Weeks Pregnant!

It hae been a smooth pregnancy thus far without any major troubles but just that the tummy of my is getting bigger and bigger each day. With this bulk, I am unable to stretch down and pick up the things that dropped or are on the floor. Maybe with the large load, my feet hurts at the end of the day. Climbing up the flight of stairs to my home is also a chore now. I will feel tired and breathless after just climbing one or two flights of the stairs. I wondered if I had not be exercising since I got pregnant.

Bb's kicks are also getting stronger and stronger each day. I used to feel only flutters inside but now, I can feel her kicks distintively. Its a nice feeling to know that she is active and well when she kicks. But at times when I am working and talking to the customers, these kicks are distracting. At night around 8pm, Bb will move around or kick without fail. When I lie on my side, she will go kick kick kick. Maybe I had made her uncomfortable by lying on her, only when I turn the other side, she may just stop. At times, I get jotted up from my sleep as she gave a forceful kick. Haha...

I have been getting up at 5am recently. I will like to sleep more but I just could not. Then when I am at work I feel so tired and sleepy in the afternoon.... Friends told me that they had no problem with their sleep and always felt so tired at night. Why do I feel so different from them?

This week was our Anniversar but due to the Seminars which my company is having next week, we have been putting in extra hours to prepare for the events and did not have the time to celebrate. Hence Dear had booked a stay at the hotel for two days as I have complained that I am unable to fly to go for short trips anymore. The most funny thing is that the hotel which he had booked is the same hotel which the seminars will be held in too. Hahha. I will be there for the entire week. Looking forward to it now... Leaving home in a few mins for my short getaway.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lottery Ticket

Baby is growing well and gaining almost an average of 300grams every three weeks. So when we visited the gynae yesterday, the Doctor estimated the weight of bb to be 1055grams. After we left the clinic, this is the conversation we had:

Me: I need to withdraw some cash downstairs
Dear: Ok, in the meantime you go and buy 4D for me.
Me: Huh? What no. you want to buy? Got no. meh?
Dear: Got! 1055 loh! Bb 1055grams mah. 4 nos.
Me: -_- ....


Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy busy busy

Work has been pretty hectic recently with installations and other things coming back to back. Weekends have also be tiring as we were always out hunting and looking at baby's stuffs which to buy during this GSS period.

We have shortlisted down to two prams to purchase from Capella, S228 or S705. Both have their pros and cons. S228 is lighter than S705 but S228 is smaller and has a smaller basket compared to S705. Wonder which one is more suitable for our needs. Hmm... still thinking but I guess we will purchase it before the end of the month as S228 is on sale during this GSS.

There is also the baby cot. We will like to purchase one that can be converted to a junior bed when bb is bigger and older. There are also so many to choose from and we are just spolit for choices. Of course the only restriction is the PRICE!

There seems to be so many things to be purchase and done.....

We have also signed up for Preparation to Parenting Course which is recommended by hubby's friends. This course has 6 sessions but I do not think that I will be able to attend all the 6 courses. Maybe I will have to miss one or two lessons since the course is ending near my estimated due date. Looking forward to attending this course in August.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


With the Great Singapore Sale on, we decided to start purchasing things for little bb. Actually we even started before the GSS in Brisbane. Whenever we go shopping nowadays, it usually out looking at the baby stuffs. We practically went crazy at DFO in Brisbane.

Look at all the clothings which we had purchased. They were pretty cheap so we decided to purchase some.. But without realising it, we purchased that many.

This is my personal favourite!

These are the things which her Daddy wanted to get for her. Nike socks and a dress. Haha.

Things bought by my colleagues when they were out shopping on their own. Aren't they cute?

We also received news that there was a carnival ongoing at Philips and we headed down to look at the prices. Since we have been on the lookout, we knew that the items were really cheaper then when its on sale at the departmental store and purchased some items. Well, not some.. but quite a bit. Hahaha.


The weather was pretty hot then as I headed over after my gynae appointment in the morning. Only when we reached home, we realised that there were some items that were free in the steriliser which we had added on in the purchase. Now we have additional pacifier and teats for newborn. Hiaz....

The items spend at the Philips Carnival was about $400 already. This is not including the items which we had bought at the Robinson Sale and in Brisbane. We also still need to get the big items like the stroller and the baby cot. We plan to get the baby cot which will enable us to use it till bb is around 4 or 5 years old. Hopefully there will be a good bargain with the GSS here.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Trip to Brisbane 09

We are back from Brisbane! The trip was a little to short as we were there for only 4 days. We wanted to extend however it was too late as the air tickets were already booked and cannot be changed. There will be another time I guess. After we touched down at Brisbane Airport, we collected our rented cars and spend a while at the airport car park figuring how to move the car seat forward! hahaha... As we arrived at midnight, the car park was pretty dark and we could not find the button to open the boot! hahahah. After fumbling for a while we finally found the right buttons and we headed off to our service apartment at Oaks Charlotte Towers. We stayed in a two bedroom apartment with kitchen and living room which were all pretty nice!
The living room from the balcony


The Bedroom

The toilet.
On the second day, we had our Team Building activities. We were divided into groups and to perform some art on a painting which was actually divided into 16 pieces. There were a lot of chaos at the beginning as the painting had to be matched and the colours were different. We managed to finished the entire painting on time and here is the result! Photobucket
The picture does not have any meaning to it. We even added our company logo to it haha. Photobucket
The group picture with the finished product. The second half of the day was Hell Kitchen, where we had to cook two dishes and to present it. We all headed over to Woodsworth to purchase our items and there were a lot of fun trying to get the best bargains from the supermarket. Luckily Dear taught me to purchase everything and anything that is their housebrands and we managed a savings of $14. Hahhaa.
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Karin's group presenting their dishes
Leong's group with Dionex logo!
Presenting while telling a long long story. Hahahha Photobucket
Shane presenting the winning team with their crowns. Photobucket
The second day the rest of the group went to take part in the Go Kart. With my present condition, I am unable to play so we opted out of it and went over to some factory outlet to shop and South Banks in the afternoon for a walk. We met up with some of them in the evening for dinner at South Banks and Mt Coota following dinner.
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The third day we headed over to Harbour Town for more shopping but I did not manage to purchase as many things as I had at DFO as the shops were almost the same. We bought mostly things for the bb like overall and all as they were really cheap. Dear managed to get a pair of Levis while bb got 5 suits! We ended our day at Surfer's Paradise and headed back to Brisbane town for dinner.
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Oh me look so fat!