Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 2, 2009


We brought Janelle to the hospital for her jaundice check up yesterday. The blood test showed that she is has high levels of jaundice and has to undergo phototherapy to prevent the jaundice from increasing to the dangerous levels. Dr Tan (her PD) suggested to us to conduct the phototherapy at home by renting the bed.

We went home feeling a little sad and worried about her jaundice levels. When the bed arrived, we tried placing her in the bed but she was unwilling to allow us to do it. She cried, she screamed almost tore the entire house down. We gave up placing her in the bed when we saw how uncomfortable she was when we placed her in there. Our hearts broke when she cried so hard till she was hoarse.

I searched online and found that jaundice is normal in newborns. The baby's liver was unable to remove the bilirubin in the blood as the liver has yet to start functioning as quickly as it should. High levels of bilirubin in the blood may cause damages to the brain. She has a higher risk as I had jaundice when I was young. Dad had to bring me to the playground to catch some sun. We hope that the level of jaundice does not increase further in the next few days. We will have to bring her for another blood test tomorrow again. Praying for the best.

On a lighter note, Janelle seems to have double eyelids!

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