Our family has become a threesome with the arrival of little Ms Janelle Tan on 27 Sept 09, weighing 2.81Kg. The day started at 2am when I experience a slight leakage of water. I wasn't sure whether I was leaking water so I monitored for a while but there was no leakage anymore. So I went back to bed.
At 4am, I felt a few more gushes of water and I was wide awake almost immediately. In the toilet, the water just gushes out periodically. I tried to put on my clothes but the water was leaking continuously. I gave up and sat on the toilet and waited till the water stopped leaking. I woke Dear up and he asked so we should go to the hospital? I told him yes and he jumped up and started to pack the remaining items that we have yet to put into the bag.
I called the doctor and was told to go to the hospital. We dressed and took a cab down to Mt A. During the trip in the taxi, I was so worried that I will be leaking in the cab and dirty the cab. Luckily the leakage stopped when we left the house till I reach the hospital. I was admitted into the delivery ward where the water leakage continued! Contractions started only then and it was still bearable till 8 am where I asked for the laughing gas. At 10 am, the intensity of the contractions increased tremendously. A jab to the thigh was given and instantly I felt relieve. At 11am, the doctor said that the baby should arrive soon and thus I hung on without epidural.
At 2pm, the doctor commented that the cervix was only 6 cm dilated and it may take a while longer. I could not tolerate anymore! I opted for epidural. With the epidural, I felt like a piece of meat on sale in the market. I could not feel anything waist down. The dosage of epidural was decreased from 18 to 3mg/ml as I was trembling a lot that my blood pressure could not be recorded. Even at the lowest amount of 3mg/ml, I was still trembling. at 5 pm, I was asked to pushed! After a few pushes, bb was out!!!

After she was cleaned up in the delivery ward.

Introducing Ms Janelle Tan