Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 31, 2009

First Doctor Appointment

Visited the Gynae this morning and was glade to know that the baby is growing fine. Its approximately 6 weeks now... We were first shown the water bag which was pretty small....

See the water bag.

Then Dr Kee showed us the embryo, its indicated by the two small arrows. Its so so so small but it was thumping all the way.

We were then told that it was the heartbeat. After measuring, its 118bpm! Isn't it amazing?

After the consulation, I was still reeling from the effects of seeing that small little embryo growing in me and becoming a baby. And of all the things, the heart grew first. How did nature manage to made things that are so complicated from a heart?

Ok... Enough blogging for now.. Feeling dizzy in front of the computer... Don't know why but always feel this way at home, but not in office. Haha...

Oh... Dr Kee mentioned that he don't see any reaosn why I can't fly to BKK for my training. Hahah so happy but he did mention that the first 16 weeks is more critical. Still a little unsure whether I should fly.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have been reading up regarding travelling during this period and all the reports mentioned that its safe to travel during the first and second trimester of your pregnancy. Usually the best time to travel is during your second trimester, as this is the time when you have surpass the morning sickness and the nauseating feelings. Hence its usually safe for healthy pregnant mothers to travel.

However quoted from one of the websites I read:

The doctor may prohibit the mother-to-be from travelling during the fist three months since at that time the risk of miscarriage is the highest. Travelling may also have to be avoided in case of high risk pregnancies or as advised by the doctor.
We will still have to seek our Gynae's advise before I travel. Hiaz...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

5th Week

Reality has yet to set in for me.... or rather us.

We are accepting the fact slowly that another life is going to join us soon. Don't get us wrong that we are unhappy with a child coming into our life. It is just that we did not plan to have this kid in this point of our lives. Hence accepting that our lives are going to change and we will have new responsibilities as parents requires a little time. This is unlike if we were prepared for a kid, we would have been mentally prepared for him/her and will welcome the new life will much more joy. Although I have tested positive on two kits, I kept thinking are those two kits accurate?? Hahaha... I know if Chole knows about this, she sure scold me. Ok ok.. Those who know me well enough knows that I will usually procastinate over things.

Anyway... I tested again as I had another spare kit at home.... its positive. I am just afraid that its a false alarm and this will make Dear disappointed when we visit the Gynae and find that we were wrong.... Dear has been very patient and caring these few days... He will often warn me that I should not eat too much fast food as I love them a lot... He will also check if I have breakfast and whether I am hungry. He even bought me a camera for me to take photos as he knows that I will like to blog the progress of the pregnancy.

He was also very patient as I was scared about the pregnancy. He was always so assuring me although he was unsure about it himself at times. Thank you Dear. Now we wait for the appointment with the Gynae.

I am 5 weeks pregnant now... The nurse asked me to head over to the Gynae after next week. Wondering if its still early to see the doctor now, but I need a confirmation for the pregnancy and advise whether I can travel to BKK for my training program. I did inform only my manager about it as the pregnancy is still in its early stages. Everything is still uncertain now. We did not even inform our parents as if I want to fly, I can't tell them yet.

I have been feeling like vomitting at various times of the day... Sometime just before a meal... or when I see food. Wondered if its just my mind making me feel this way.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am Pregnant

I am pregnant!! I just can't believe it. Yes its really too early to be having a kid in this stage of our life since we are just married 3 months. It was really an accident, we did not plan to have a kid till 3 years later. This little kid just came along.

I had this feeling that I was pregnant when I miss my menses and my stomach was really bloated. I felt so tired and slept almost 12 hours on Saturday. The other day I also slept for almost 10 hours. I do normally feel tired during PMS but just one day was sufficient for me to recuprate, but this time.... Over two weeks I slept at about 10pm (by dozing off in front of the tv). Friends who know me... this is pretty early for me.

After chatting with a friend, she told me to wait till next week before I perform any pregancy check with the kit. However I was a little anxious and bought two cheap kits off the rack yesterday. I tested once I got home.


Maybe the test was wrong? So I called Dear to purchase a more expensive one. I made a mistake to call him while he was at home and informed him about the test. I should had waited for him to be home and tell him. I lost the chance to see the look on his face when I tell him that its a positive. Hiaz... this was the only time that I will get to see that reaction.

It was positive this time again....

With two kit giving me positive results it should be positive right? After that... both of us just sat in front of the tv looking at each other and smile at time to time. The fact that the both of us are going to be parents has yet to sink into our brains. Now I will try to find a gynae to check. I am a little worried as I am scared of the possiblity that the baby does not have a heartbeat. Hence I am not informing my parents now till we can confirm at least the baby has a heartbeat.

I am suppose to fly to BKK next month. I wonder if I should go now...