Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


When we were young most of our parents used a bean bag to prevent us to getting a scare if there is a sudden loud sound or movement. I checked online and found that there were a few stores selling such things. I told hubby about it and he suggested trying to make it on our own. I was a little septical initially as I was not sure whether we were able to get the bean sprout husk from the market vendors.

Since there was no harm trying, hubby tried to ask the veggy vendor on a Sunday and they gave us entire plastic bag! We started picking the husk and separating it from the rest of the mess. I Google for the weight of the bean bags are on sale in the market and got the mass required. Although the weight required was just 220grams but it was a lot! The husk were very light thus we under estimated the quantity required. It took us more than a day to get the weight required.

Dear hard at work separating the husks from the rest of the mess. Look at the huge plastic bag beside Dear. That was just part of what the veggie vendor gave us.

The husk which we had separated from the rest of the veggies
A bag was then sew to contain the husks. I took the spare cloth which my mum has at home and make a small bag. Then we placed the husk into the bag and finally sew it up and we are done!
The bag that I had sew.
The finished product.

My colleagues asked me why we go through all these troubles to make the beanbag. Well it was kinda fun and I wanted to do something for my bb. I have always felt that I have not done any thing for her yet. Some mums have been reading or talking to their babies while they are still in their tummies but all I did was to work. I hope that she doesn't hate chemistry when she is in this world as I am preaching chemistry everyday as part of my job.

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